This store is powered by Flagship. Flagship powers curated shopping experiences, by helping experts and creators start their own online businesses to showcase their favorite products. All purchases made on a Flagship store have free returns and are protected by price matching. For more information,
please visit our website
By buying products online, we can’t always picture how they will fit us in real life. Sometimes, the size is not right, or the materials aren’t what we expected. That’s why, we believe that customers should be able to return all orders, for free. Every purchase made on a Flagship-powered stores can be returned within 30 days of receipt, regardless of the return policy of the supplier that delivered the package to you. More information in
our Return & Shipping Policy page
By buying products online, we can’t always picture how they will fit us in real life. Sometimes, the size is not right, or the materials aren’t what we expected. That’s why, we believe that customers should be able to return all orders, for free. Every purchase made on a Flagship-powered stores can be returned within 30 days of receipt, regardless of the return policy of the supplier that delivered the package to you. More information in
our Return & Shipping Policy page
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© 2024 Flagship. All rights reserved.
Create a shop on Flagship in less than 5 minutes, and we will help you with the heavy lifting.
Support Valerie Gordon
Flagship helps creators like Valerie Gordon build business with a storefront and access to brands and deals to share with their community.
© 2024 Flagship. All rights reserved.