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Sparkly Little Things

My brand started in 2020 when I was home with my 3 kiddos! I needed something other than 'being a mom' to keep me busy! I started making adorable sparkly hair clips for my 2 girls, and the word got out and spread like wildfire! I was never expecting to actually sell these cute products I was making! Now it is my livelihood and I want every girl to have Sparkly Little Things! I have recently branched out to other fun items such as cup name plates (brumate, stanley, yeti and simple modern), keychains, coasters and croc charms! Lots of big influencers (such as Krista Horton) love my products and personally order them from my website! All of my products are unique and a step above the rest!


brand image
Sparkly Little Things

My brand started in 2020 when I was home with my 3 kiddos! I needed something other than 'being a mom' to keep me busy! I started making adorable sparkly hair clips for my 2 girls, and the word got out and spread like wildfire! I was never expecting to actually sell these cute products I was making! Now it is my livelihood and I want every girl to have Sparkly Little Things! I have recently branched out to other fun items such as cup name plates (brumate, stanley, yeti and simple modern), keychains, coasters and croc charms! Lots of big influencers (such as Krista Horton) love my products and personally order them from my website! All of my products are unique and a step above the rest!

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